The Montreal FRMS Forum attracted over 350 delegate from across the world of aviation. The FRMS Forum offer their thanks to all presenters who kindly agreed to share their experiences. You can download all the publicly available files from the links below.
2 FRMS Forum April 8th Air Canada1
3. MMillar FRMS Forum April_2016
4. 2016 FRMS Forum KJ Regulation in plain words
5. EY FRMS EXPERIENCE_FRMS Forum Conference_
7. 20160407_FRMS_Forum_Meeting_Montreal_Cargolux_FRM
8. FRMS_Montreal_Tulio_final (2)
8a. FRMS_Montreal_Tulio_Errata (2)
10 FedEx-FRMS Conference 2016 vYUL
12. The Focus of IOSA Auditors when examining Fatigue Management FDTL